Monday, January 14, 2019

Self-giving vs. self-indulgence

WITH the way things are nowadays, we need to be keen in distinguishing
between real self-giving and a fake one that masks what actually is
self-indulgence. This is because we can now easily make use of many
good things and yet our intentions are not pure.
Or we can profess to have a good intention using good means, but in
the end it can be seen that the good intention remains only as an
intention, as a principle, but is not acted upon. We have to be
familiar with the tricks of the fake forms of self-giving. They
usually use good, beautiful and legitimate things to inflict their
Now that we are entering another election season, we can expect
politicians flaunting their self-giving which would already make that
self-giving suspect. Most likely, an ulterior motive is behind all
that. It’s actually self-indulgence that is done right before our
eyes. But then again, let’s be careful with making rash judgments and
just proceed to pray and offer sacrifices that everything is done as
it should be done.
Of course, this masking of self-indulgence with shows of self-giving
can happen to anybody. Even the ordinary Juan in the street is prone
to this anomaly. Now with all the technological advances we are
enjoying, it is very easy to make use of them to do some good work and
yet end up simply indulging oneself.
The social media, for example, has tremendous usages. It can
facilitate communication. It can open new opportunities for business,
etc. For the religious minded, it can be a good vehicle for
evangelization and apostolate. And yet, it can lead us to nothing
short of self-indulgence, since pride, vanity, arrogance, greed, lust
and envy can easily sneak in and spoil all that good work.
We have to be truly guarded against this very likely possibility. And
the secret is simply to be firmly united with God. There’s no other
way. Without God, everything good that we try to do would only be
apparent at best. It would only be a sham, a deception.
And God has shown us how to do it in Christ, the second person of the
Blessed Trinity who became man precisely for the purpose, among many
other reasons, of showing us how we can be with God in all
circumstances, whether good or bad, favorable or unfavorable, etc. We
really cannot complain that we would not know how to distinguish
between self-giving and self-indulgence. Christ has shown us the way.
Everything good can only come from God. “Every good and perfect gift
is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who
does not change like shifting shadows.” (James 1,17)
And we can somehow know that we would be with God if our self-giving
would have the following characteristics as articulated by St. James:
“The wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peaceable, gentle,
accommodating, full of mercyand good fruit, impartial, and sincere.”
We therefore need to pray. We have to be ready to make sacrifices and
to do a lot of self-denial. We have to learn to live always in the
presence of God. Our thoughts, words and deeds should be animated by
purity of intention.
And that means that we do everything solely to give glory to God. All
other motives are secondary and should only serve to enhance that
intention of giving glory to God. Otherwise, there’s no other way but
for us to fall sooner or later into self-indulgence and other worse
For some practical and concrete means to distinguish between
self-giving and self-indulgence, it might be wise to take away the
camera and to make photo-ops when doing some good works of mercy.

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