Saturday, January 5, 2019

Every moment an encounter with God

WE need to be most aware that every moment and situation can and
should be an encounter with God. And this is no gratuitous assertion,
considering that God is omnipresent.

Psalm 139 expresses this truth very beautifully. “Where can I go from
your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the
heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the
sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me
fast.” (7-10)

Besides, he is full of love and solicitude over us. He is always
attentive to us. We just have to learn how to correspond to this basic
reality about God and us. God actually begs us to give ourselves to
him. “My son, give me your heart, and let your heart delight in my
ways,” says the Book of Proverbs. (23,26)

Perhaps, many times we have to make a conscious effort to put
ourselves in his presence, because given our human condition, we tend
to take him for granted, not really out of malice but simply out of
our human limitations. It takes God’s grace and time and effort before
we can be real contemplatives, when seeing God in everything becomes
automatic and instinctive.

Fact is we are so easily dominated by our physical, temperamental and
environmental conditionings that we ignore the spiritual and
supernatural reality of God. Not that God is not in our physical,
temperamental and environmental world. He is all there. But he needs
to be spiritually discerned before we can meet him. We need to
exercise our faith, activate our piety before we can meet him.

Thus, Christ said once: “Ask, and it shall be given you. Seek, and you
shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that
asks receives. And he that seeks finds. And to him that knocks, it
shall be opened.” (Mt 7,7-8)

We have to be wary of our tendency to think that there are moments in
our life—in fact, the bigger part of our life—when we would just be on
our own or that God is not present or is irrelevant. We have to
correct that mentality.

We especially have to be most careful when we find ourselves in
situations of stress, tiredness, laziness, or when we are faced with
problems and difficult challenges, because these are the moments when
we are most vulnerable to think that God is not around, thus opening
ourselves to the tricks of our wounded flesh, the world and the devil.

We need to realize more deeply that we need God more than anything
else in life. We definitely need him more than we need air, food and
water. We need him more than our powerful arts, sciences and

And we need him most especially in our moments of weakness and
temptation. Without him, we surely will end up sooner or later tempted
and finally falling into sin. We may be enjoying for a while the
benefits of our human powers, but without God, we certainly cannot go
the distance. We end up sinning.

When we are with God, when we manage to make every moment as an
encounter with God, we somehow would get to know what is essential in
our life. We can find redemptive meaning in any situation we can find
ourselves in. Even in the worst scenario of our life, we can always
find reason to hope.

Besides, we would notice that we can generate a spiritual energy that
goes beyond what our food and all the other natural sources can give
us. We would not confine ourselves to the natural world, but can
manage to live in the spiritual and supernatural world.

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