Saturday, January 12, 2019

Our attitude towards life’s struggles

WE need to examine our attitude towards the unavoidable struggles we
have in life. These struggles can be in all fronts—spiritual, moral,
material, social, personal, etc. We need to ask ourselves whether we
know why we have these struggles and whether they have some meaning
and purpose. Otherwise, we would be eaten up simply with our fears and
anxieties, and other anomalies like bitterness, sadness and the like.

We should consider this aspect of our life from the point of view of
our Christian faith, since it is there where we can get a global
picture. It is there where we can find the meaning and purpose of
these struggles.

As long as we believe in God, in a God who continues to govern the
whole of his creation with his abiding providence, then we have no
reason to fear and to worry. God is completely in control, and if we
are with him, somehow we also would be in control of whatever may
happen in our life, especially in the area of our struggles.

Let’s remember that as said in the Book of Ecclesiastes, there is a
time for everything—“There is a time for everything, and a season for
every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to
die...” (3,1)

Also, St. Paul assured us in his Letter to the Romans, that for those
who love God, everything will work out for the good. (cfr. Rom 8,28)

That we have to have struggles in our life can mean a number of
things. First, is that it is part of our nature to struggle since in
this life we will always be a work in progress.

Our human nature is such that while it is already defined or set, it
is something that is dynamic, something always in pursuit of its
perfection which ultimately is when we become truly identified with
God, since we are his image and likeness, and children of his. Our
nature is not something rigid, since it is mainly spiritual more than
material, ruled by freedom and love.

Besides, that we have struggles, challenges, trials and difficulties
can only mean that God our Creator and Father has confidence over us
to allow us to have these struggles, challenges, trials, etc. He does
not let us handle struggles that are beyond our powers, but with these
struggles he also gives us all the necessary means.

This assertion can be based on that parable of the three servants
whose master gave them different amounts of money according to their
capacity in order to cooperate with the business of the master. (cfr.
Mt 25,14-30)

It conveys the message that God wants us to participate in his
business which is to help in the governance of his creation. He wants
us to cooperate with his providence. That is how we should understand
the phenomenon of the struggles we have to tackle in our life. And we
should just be game about it, trying our best with God’s grace to face
these struggles as competently and with profit as possible.

What we should avoid is to do nothing about these struggles and to
allow ourselves to be dominated by pessimism, doubts and fears by
them, just like the third servant who did nothing with the money
entrusted to him.

Obviously, not everything in our earthly struggles would lead to
victory according to human standards. We have to expect some failures
and defeats, for the simple reason that there are factors that are
beyond our control. Just the same, as long as we struggle, we will
always be victorious in the eyes of God. Thus, we should always be
guided by our faith, more than by our human standards and criteria.

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