He said taking sweets like sugar-filled soft drinks and
energy drinks and other saccharine items like cakes and candies has
become so popular that everyone seems not to mind taking them in
excess. And this is abetted by a strong and sustained campaign of
commercialism of the items involved.
“They only talk about the benefits of these items without
any warning about the danger of taking them in excess,” he said. “They
usually cover up the true amount of sugar and the real character of
the sweetener involved in these items,” he continued. We need to
expose the dangers of these items, depopularizing them while
popularizing the healthy food, like veggies, instead.”
“Their commercials should include the warning, like those
of the cigarette ads, that too much sugar is bad for one’s health,” he
said. And everyone should be educated about the proper amount of sugar
to be taken by each individual given his concrete conditions.
I immediately gave some general agreement to the idea,
though at the back of my mind, I also thought what if we only take
veggies without taking anything sweet, would it not also result in
something excessive that would give us another kind of illness?
Since my knowledge of medicine and physical or biological
health is very limited, I restrained myself from pursuing that thought
further. I hope and pray that in time, I and everybody else can be
more enlightened about this particular question.
Just the same, while there indeed is a need to
depopularize something popular at the moment but is harmful to us, I
believe there is also a need to popularize something that is unpopular
at the moment but is truly helpful to us in general.
And in this regard, there should be no question asked
about the need to popularize a healthy spiritual life that at the
moment is still generally unpopular. Many people find it hard to have
it. They feel extremely awkward even talking about it, let alone,
finding ways of effectively and correctly developing it.
Of course, there is such thing as fanaticism which is an
anomaly in the world of spirituality. But that’s because there is some
erroneous understanding of what and how a spiritual life should be.
But it cannot be denied that if properly understood, there
can be no limit, no excess in developing one’s spiritual life. This is
where a more vigorous, effective and sustained campaign of
popularizing should be made. We can never have enough of it, as long
as it is properly done.
We have to talk more about this, which should not be
limited only to some church environment. It has to be talked more
vigorously in the families, in the media, in the offices and other
work places.
Even in business and politics which are greatly in need of
spiritual guidance, this matter should be given due importance and
attention. This is, of course, a delicate matter, given the character
of business and politics, but if understood properly, it can also be
done there. In fact, it should be done there.
Yes, we need to popularize the still unpopular topic of
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