Saturday, December 14, 2019

Evil can’t stand on its own

THAT’S one thing we should always bear in mind whenever we
are assailed by evil in any form it may come. It always has to refer
to something true and good which it tries to twist, distort or
outrightly deny. It cannot stand on its own. It offers nothing new,
nothing original.

             Knowing that fact gives us the effective way to deal with
it, so we avoid falling for it. What we have to do is to refer
ourselves to the truth and to the source of all goodness who is God.
            This was how Christ dealt with the devil who tried to
tempt him. (cfr. Mt 4,1-11) In that episode in Christ’s life, the
devil quoted passages of Scripture to lure Christ to go into the
devil’s will and ways. But those passages were all twisted and
distorted to suit the devil’s interest. Christ, of course, knew this
and quickly clarified things to him. Eventually, the devil left Christ
in peace.
            This episode clearly shows us that it is the truth that
will make us free. (cfr. Jn 8,32) It is our intimate relation with the
God, the source of all goodness, who will protect us from the very
subtle tricks and wiles of the devil.
            To defend ourselves from evil that will always hound us in
our earthly life, we need to really know the truth well and to always
keep in touch with God, never allowing ourselves to stay far from him.
In this regard, we can never overemphasize our need.
            Let us examine ourselves if indeed we have the truth that
is already revealed in full by Christ, authoritatively taught by
Church, and given witness to by the saints and the holy men and women
through the ages, deeply embedded in our mind and heart.
            For this, we indeed need to spend time everyday to read,
study and meditate on the gospel that contains the life and teaching
of Christ, our Master. In doing so, we have to involve all our
faculties—our mind and heart, the intelligence, will and emotions and
passions, our imagination and memory.
            We have to see to it that through our constant meditation
of the gospel, the life of Christ becomes so clear to us that Christ
becomes alive in us, and we become not only more familiar with his
word and example but also truly enamoured by it, so much so that the
truth revealed by Christ becomes the living principle that enlightens
our life and shapes our reactions to all the events of our life.
            In other words, we should always have presence of God,
constantly referring things to him who never abandons us even if we
feel otherwise. He is always by our side and is definitely for us
whenever we have to grapple with evil as when we are tempted.
            To handle evil in our life, it is not enough just to
ignore and dismiss it outright. Such attitude would only embolden the
evil one to trick us with ever more sophisticated temptations until it
becomes almost impossible for us to resist them.
            What we have to do is to expose the lie of that evil so
that it will depart from us on its own. This was what happened when
Christ was tempted. Christ simply exposed the lie, the clever twisting
and distorting of the Scriptural passages, and the devil eventually
left him.
            This attitude and reaction validate what we are told when
we are tempted: that God does not allow us to be tempted more than we
can bear, but with the temptation would also give us the grace to deal
with it properly. (cfr. 1 Cor 10,13)
            With the way things are now in the world, with evil and
temptations holding sway over a great majority of the people,
especially the young, there is need to encourage everyone to know the
truth well and to be with God always mainly through prayer.


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