Thursday, July 25, 2019

Pacing and changing gears

THIS is an art and skill that we have to learn, especially
these days. With all the developments around and the many challenges
and tasks they involve, we have to know when to move fast and when to
go slow, if only to keep ourselves on track toward our proper goal
with the minimum of distractions and delays, and to make good use of
our time, so limited and so precious as it is.

            We have to know how to give the proper pacing to the
different situations and conditions of our life, quick to change
gears, in a manner of speaking, depending on the concrete
circumstances at hand.

            Yes, we have to move fast with respect to what is
routinary in our life, since they are more of a mechanical or manual
task, Of course, it is presumed that this kind of work has already
been planned out, part of an over-all scheme that is carried out to
pursue a concrete goal.

            The routinary tasks should not just be a filler or a
killer of time. They should have a clear direction and purpose, and be
given a clear time limit. Far from desensitizing us and lulling us to
boredom, they should give us the sensation of excitement and thrill,
since they are supposed to be done with a clear goal in mind.

            And we also have to learn how to move slow when things
need to be studied more or to be planned out. Most especially, we have
to go slow and even willing to ‘waste’ time when it comes to praying,
to dealing with family and friends, or when we meet difficulties and
unexpected things in life and find ways of solving problems.

            We have to remember that there are always things in life
that need a lot of patience and waiting from us. Certain things need
time to develop, flower and bear fruit, even as we conscientiously do
the relevant tasks day in and day out. We should learn how not to be
too tense and nervous as time passes by.

            There will be surprises that may require some drastic
changes of our plans. We may have to do some stopping for a while,
some changing of course, some deviations, etc. In a manner of
speaking, we have to do some repairs, some making up, and all these
would require time. We should be ready for these eventualities.

            But just as well, we need to know when to retake the
course of things when it is the time to do so, without so much delay
and hesitation. We have to have a good sense of continuity and
coherence despite the stoppages and changing circumstances that can
occur along the way. We have to learn how to make good use of any
situation, good or bad. The art of synergy should also be learned.

            All of these considerations would require that we really
should have the habit of making plans and schedules and of referring
them to our ultimate goal, which is to give glory to God and all that
are involved in that goal—knowing how to love, how to serve others,
developing virtues, strengthening our spiritual life, doing
apostolate, etc. God is the North Star that guides us in the twists
and turns of our life.

            In any event, we should try our best to maintain our
spiritual and supernatural outlook, that is nourished by the divine
gifts of faith, hope and charity. Of course, this ideal would require
nothing less than the full cooperation of our intelligence and will,
and the full complement of our bodily and human powers.

            Yes, we have great need for prayer, for a direct contact
with God which is always possible since God is always with us. Thus,
before anything else, we should see to it that our prayer life is
functional, always shedding light and producing impulses for action.

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