Friday, December 28, 2018

On gift-giving and receiving

CHRISTMAS  being a season of gift-giving and receiving, I believe it
is good to be reminded of its deeply theological basis. Otherwise it
will remain in its purely material aspect, forgetting the more
important spiritual dimension that it eminently has. Thus, the act of
giving and receiving gifts can pose a danger to us. It can even
destroy us, instead of edifying us.

Yes, the giving and receiving of gifts has a deeply moral dimension
that in its turn springs from the fundamental truth that we are human
persons and, therefore, has a spiritual and supernatural character due
to our relation to God, our Creator.

The giving and receiving of gifts is a human act that should reflect
and follow the will of God. That’s what any human act involves. It is
not just our own act, completely subject to our will without any
reference to God’s will.

If we look at things more closely, we will realize that our will
always has to conform to God’s will and designs. Or at least we should
try our best to conform our will to will of God. That’s because we
come from him and we belong to him. We are his image and likeness,
children of his.

Our will therefore cannot absolutely be on its own. Its freedom just
cannot be exercised without reference to God’s will, his laws and
commandments, and his provident designs for each one of us and for the
whole world.

As such, we therefore should realize that whenever we give or receive
gifts, we ought to reflect God’s will and ways of giving and
receiving. God is the original and constant giver of gifts. When we
give gifts to others, we should somehow reflect God’s goodness and
benevolence in giving.

We should give something that will truly do good to the recipient or
beneficiary, just as God gave us the gifts of life, and the many
endowments that go with it, like our intelligence and will, our
talents, and the many other blessings.

We should try to avoid giving something that will do harm to a person.
And in this regard, we have to know well the person to whom we give a
gift to see to it that the gift, while intended to be a good thing,
does not actually harm or spoil him. We should not just be capricious
in giving gifts. We have to think of the good our gifts are supposed
to produce in the recipient and in the world in general.

And when we receive a gift, we, of course, should be thankful to the
giver as well as to God since in the end the ultimate gift-giver is
God. Neglecting to do this can lead us to a number of dangers. We
would fail to realize the immediate and ultimate purpose of the gift.
The gift becomes an instrument of self-indulgence instead of
self-giving to others. It will surely spoil us.

Let’s remember what happened to our first parents who were created
with the tremendous gift of being the image and likeness of God, and
of being in the state of original justice where aside from the
supernatural gift of grace, they enjoyed the so-called preternatural
gifts of immortality, integrity and impassibility (the capacity not to
suffer anything).

When at a given moment the tempter managed to separate them from God,
they fell into sin and lost the original blessings God gave them. And
what a disaster it created for them and for all of us!

We should refer the gifts we receive, no matter how mundane and
insignificant, to God and his will and ways. Everything that we
receive and that we have actually plays a role in the over-all
providence of God. This we always have to discern.

With every gift we receive, there is actually a duty and
responsibility attached to it. We need to be most aware of this truth!

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