Saturday, December 29, 2018

Both active and contemplative

WE have to learn to be both active and contemplative in our life.
Active in the sense that we immerse ourselves as deeply as possible in
the dynamic of earthly and temporal affairs, while also contemplative
in the sense that in all these affairs, we see God, we are driven by
love for God and everybody else, we get to know, love and serve him
and everybody else.

It’s an ideal that definitely is not easy to achieve. But we have our
whole life to do it, and we actually are also given all the means to
attain it. It just depends on us as to whether we want to have that
ideal or not.

Contrary to some popular belief or fear, to be both active and
contemplative is not a futile exercise. To be active and to be
contemplative are not two exclusively separate qualities. There is a
distinction between the two, but not division. They can co-exist in a
subject at the same time. Both are meant to build a unity of life
proper to us.

We have to be active in our life because we need to do many things, we
have to work and produce things, we have to apply a certain
forcefulness. We cannot be totally passive, waiting for things to
happen even if they also happen without us doing anything.

We cannot be complacent. Of course, we should not forget that to be
active is also a result of God’s grace. We cannot be truly active
unless we receive the grace of God. There is a certain aspect of
receptiveness in our activeness. But we have to correspond to that
grace as actively and fully as possible.

We have to be contemplative also because we have to do everything with
God as the beginning and end of all our actions. We have to see God in
everything. We have to feel the workings of his providence over us and
all over the world.

We need to see his will and follow it. In fact, to be contemplative
also requires a certain amount of effort, and therefore, it requires
us also to be active in being contemplative. While it is a result of
grace that is gratuitously given to us, it is also a result of our
active correspondence to that grace.

We have to develop a certain lifestyle that can address this necessity
of ours adequately. Given our human condition, we have to realize that
we need certain practices that will foster these active and
contemplative qualities in our life.

We have to have some moments of deep prayer, meditation, reflection,
study. We also have to have moments of intense work and deep
involvement in our earthly affairs. The ideal to reach is that we can
arrive at a point where we can hardly distinguish anymore between
prayer and work, because both are done in an active and contemplative

Thus, we have to feel the need for a certain plan, a certain strategy
to pursue this ideal of ours. We just cannot and should not coast
along and flow with the tide. We need to have direction and dominion
in our life, even if there is also God’s providence that is directing
and dominating it.

Let’s hope that there will come a time when the general culture and
environment will show and reinforce this lifestyle where we would be
both active and contemplative. We have to help one another to achieve
this, but we have to start with our own selves.

It may look quixotic as of now, but everything will look like that
until we act on it. There is always hope. We have all the means. It’s
just our will that needs to assent to this project, and the daily
effort to carry it out, step by little step.

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