Thursday, July 11, 2019

The pro-choice position

WE have to be familiar with the so-called pro-choice
position that is now becoming the prevalent ideology affecting many
countries and especially the young ones, the so-called millennials. We
need to be familiar with it so that we can be better prepared to deal
with it, since it is now invading our own country. In fact, there is
now a strong foreign-funded pressure to instil this kind of liberal
pro-choice view on us.
            The pro-choice position, of course, refers to the
so-called life-issues, like abortion, population control, same-sex
marriage, divorce, euthanasia, etc. It has an eminently moral question
that we need to be clear about.
            We need to understand that there are moral principles that
derive from the very nature of things, and especially of our own. And
they have a universal applicability, going beyond our natural and
artificial differences in race, culture, religion and other
            In a nutshell, the pro-choice position can be expressed in
the following words as expressed by many of its advocates and
followers: “I am pro-choice, even if that means abortion. I am also
for same-sex unions, and I also support legalizing divorce. What
people want to do with their lives and their body should not be
controlled by other people’s religious beliefs.
            “If you do not want abortion, don’t get one. If you don’t
want to marry one of the same sex, by all means, don’t. Don’t divorce
if that’s what you prefer. But to take away other people’s choices
because you don’t agree with them is evil and wrong. The terrible
thing is that many people can only imagine a world where their
religion is absolute. What tyranny!”
            It’s incredible that this view can be held even by very
educated people, and people who are even products of Catholic schools
and other very prestigious centers of learning.
            At least two possibilities can explain this disturbing
phenomenon. One is that these schools are not anymore teaching morals
and are just focusing on technical things. And two, that the students
may be taught morals but are not internalizing them. Of course, there
are still many other possible explanations.
            With this pro-choice position, one is practically saying
that there are no absolute moral principles with a universal
applicability, that everyone is absolutely free to do whatever he
wants to do. In other words, one makes himself his own lawgiver, if
not his own god. He cannot be told and taught anything. He has to be
left alone. He can do anything he likes.
            It is amazing that many people with this position do not
realize that they are going against even the very basics of common
sense. We are never alone. We can never be alone. We have to live by
certain laws. We cannot escape the fact that we have to submit to
certain do’s and don’ts.
            Abortion is not about exercising the right over a woman’s
body. Whether one is a believer or not, abortion is simply killing a
human person. A fetus inside the mother’s womb is not just a clump of
cells. A fetus just cannot be but a baby.
            And the so-called same-sex marriage is a contradiction
since marriage can only be between a man and woman. It is not meant
only for good-time, for giving in to what our flesh desires. It is
meant for procreation, for education and upbringing of children and
family, and the good of society.
            Divorce simply goes against the very nature of marriage.
It is rejecting one’s commitment of love however the marriage may go.
The concerned parties in marriage promise “to have and to hold, from
this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in
sickness and in health, until death do us part”
            Let’s hope that families, churches, schools, offices and
the government units help in clarifying these moral life issues both
with clarity and charity always. Hardly anything is gained when we
start fighting.

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