Sunday, May 7, 2017

Our need for spiritual direction

IN that gospel about the Good Shepherd, we are told that the shepherd
knows his sheep, and the sheep also knows the shepherd, can recognize
his voice, and follow him.

    I remember that while vacationing in a mountain resort some years
ago, I saw a modern shepherd, dressed of course now in today’s style
and riding on a motorcycle, calling his sheep with a whistle.

    The sheep immediately turned their heads toward the young man and
followed him. Intrigued, I tried to imitate the whistle which, I must
say, sounded like the shepherd’s, but the sheep did not pay attention
to me at all. It was as if they heard nothing. And so I had a
first-hand proof of the veracity of this gospel.

    This gospel somehow reminds me of the great need for spiritual
direction. For me it is a good way of truly recognizing the voice of
God and not be easily deluded by other voices that can sound like
God’s voice but actually are not.

    We have to be wary of the many imitations around that can mislead us.
We need to have recourse to spiritual direction, choosing a good
spiritual director who should be a true man of God, because we are
poor directors of our own selves.

    We can easily fall at the mercy of our own weaknesses which we should
be humble enough to acknowledge. This is not to mention the many
tricks of the devil and the allurements of the world that can imitate
God’s voice, offering us sweet poison.

    And so, instead of recognizing and corresponding to God’s voice, we
may just be responding to our own likes and dislikes, our own ideas,
our own biases and preferences. We can also fall at the mercy of our
own temperaments and trapped by the many social, political and
economic conditionings around. These are not necessarily bad, but they
cannot be equated immediately to God’s voice. They can mislead us.

    If we are the intellectual type, for example, we can easily convert
our Christian life into a kind of intellectualism. If we are the
active type, we can easily fall into activism. The many good things we
have, all gifts from God, can be easily corrupted by all sorts of
moral and spiritual viruses that can come to us in a very subtle,
imperceptible way.

    We all need to have spiritual direction. We have to allow the
intricate workings of our spiritual life, which has to contend with
all sorts of things in life, to be guided by somebody else, because
though we are the ones who make the final decisions and choices, we
all need to be enlightened, guided, suggested, even corrected.

    Yes, we need spiritual direction because we have to explore our
spiritual and apostolic possibilities, map out our plans for spiritual
growth, expose and cultivate our hidden potentials, develop virtues
and enliven our piety, not to mention, make strategies for our
ascetical struggles.

    In short, we need spiritual direction because we need to live our
life at God’s pace. And this cannot be achieved simply on our own.

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