Monday, May 8, 2017

Letter and spirit of the law

THESE two constituent elements of any human law should be together.
That’s the ideal. In our earthly reality, of course, the letter of the
law will always be found wanting in terms of capturing the whole
spirit of the law.

    This discrepancy between the letter and the spirit of the law has
been referred to a number of times in the gospel. One example is when
Christ told the Jews: "You are experts at setting aside the
commandment of God in order to keep your tradition.” (Mk 7,9)

    Another example was when Christ told the Pharisees and the lawyers of
that time: "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath, or not?" (Lk 14,3)

    That’s why any human law should always be a dynamic one, always in
the process of refining, polishing and enriching itself. It should
never be considered as static, or irreformable, unenrichable.

    A lot of discernment is needed here. Prudence requires it. And the
common good, which the law should always serve, can often present
competing interests that need to be resolved as fairly as possible.

    That’s simply because charity, truth, justice and mercy, which our
laws should embody, have aspects that can be mysterious and that will
always demand new requirements from us.

    Let’s hope that the proper structures are made available to address
this ongoing need with respect to continually polishing our laws. This
is part of the political life of any nation. Let’s hope that a
continuing study and research be made in this regard. Our law schools
and other legal centers could be tapped for this purpose.

    Let’s hope that our lawmakers are truly dedicated and focused on
their work rather than wasting our time and resources by simply doing
political maneuverings at the behest of their self-interest.

    The task is definitely daunting. But rather than be daunted, it
should challenge us to do it whatever it costs. We actually have the
means. God, on his part, will always give us the grace for it. We just
have to have the necessary attitude, will and skills to do it.

    We have to understand that for this task to be properly undertaken,
those involved should be vitally in contact with God, the source of
all good things, of all truth, charity and justice. Being the creator,
he is the foundation of reality and the supreme lawmaker and lawgiver.

    This point is somehow articulated by Christ himself when he told the
Pharisees and the law experts: “The Son of Man is Lord of the
Sabbath,” (Mt 12,8) somehow insinuating that for any law to be
properly interpreted, it has to be referred, first of all, to him.

    Without this indispensable requirement, any effort to make and
implement our laws will unavoidably get entangled in some anomalies
and irregularities. It can even deteriorate as far as legalizing a
clear injustice. Consider the case of the legalization of abortion.
    We need to develop the proper sensitivity to update the letter of our
laws to the spirit proper to them. Otherwise, we fall into what is
called, legal positivism, a school of jurisprudence that is made up
only of purely man-made laws with hardly any reference to God.

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