Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Be not afraid

THE story of Paul and his companion, Silas, going to many places to preach and to convert many people, and in the process met severe opposition also and were, in fact, imprisoned and later released in a miraculous way, somehow tells us that we too, if we have to be consistent to our Christianity, should be bold in proclaiming Christ to the world, willing to face whatever difficulty we can meet along the way. (cfr. Acts 16,22-34) 

 We should not be afraid to do so, because in spite of whatever difficulties and contradictions we can meet along the way, God will always take care of everything. He has the last word always. We may undergo a lot of suffering and can be martyred even, but the victory of Christ for us is always assured. 

 What we have to do is to always be bold and magnificent in carrying out this duty of spreading the Word of God far and wide. This task should give us the greatest joy since we would be truly following what Christ wants us to do. 

 It’s important that we set our mind and heart on this divine wisdom that tells us that our joy is in following the will of God as shown to us by Christ and the Holy Spirit. It’s important that this joy and its accompanying peace of mind, is always felt even if we cannot avoid the most painful suffering along the way.

 It would be good if everyday we set some apostolic goals and missions for us to accomplish. This would make our life dynamic, putting it in some adventure that should captivate all our faculties. These goals and missions may be big or small. What is important is that they should urge us to action in order to obey God’s will. 

 Even in terms of mental health, this duty to undertake apostolic goals and missions can be very helpful. It would put us in a positive and constructive frame of mind. It would fill us with a healthy sense of duty, keeping us away from the dangers of idleness, laziness and that state of just floating around aimlessly. 

 It would be good if at the end of the day, as we go to bed, even if there are still issues to resolve and mistakes to correct, we should feel happy and fulfilled, and at peace because of the apostolic goals and missions we carried out. This is the ideal way to end the day—happy and at peace, reconciled with our Lord because whatever mistakes and sins we commit, we can always ask for pardon and God will always be merciful. 

 We should avoid ending the day in the state of anxiety, apprehensions and the like. These are highly toxic to our spirit. They affect even our bodily health. What should prevail in our mind and heart is that of joy and peace, again in spite of things that we still need to work out. 

 Let’s hope that we can make these words of St. Paul our own also: “In all things we suffer tribulation, but we are not distressed. We are sore pressed, but we are not destitute. We endure persecution, but we are not forsaken. We are cast down, but we do not perish. We are always bearing about in our body the dying of Jesus so that the life also of Jesus may be made manifest in our bodily frame.” (2 Cor 4,8-10)

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