Wednesday, July 22, 2020

No time to waste

WITH the somehow foreseeable new landscape of the
post-Covid world, we can tell that we have no time to waste as we face
new and, most likely, formidable challenges. It’s very likely that we
have to do some innovations, reinventions and upskilling, if we want
not only to survive but rather to prosper and contribute greatly to
the quest of the common good.

            We have to spend a lot of time studying, researching,
observing, testing and going through the different exercises and
stages of the processes involved. More importantly, we need to
discipline ourselves so as not to be dominated simply by moods and
personal preferences, biases and other weaknesses that can undermine
the objectivity of our needs.

            Of course, it goes without saying that we should maintain
a positive, go-getter outlook before the new challenges we are going
to have. We should never give a chance to any trace of pessimism and
discouragement to enter our mind. We need to be a good sportsman who,
in spite of his acknowledged limitations, would still go on fighting
and trying.

            We really cannot afford to be distracted. We have to be
well-focused, though it does not mean that we have to be rigid. In
this kind of game, we have to learn how to blend focus with
resilience, consistency with adaptability. We have to know how to be
judicious in using old and new things.

            This is a big challenge we have today, considering the
tremendous amount of distractions we have, both the legitimate and the
illegitimate ones, the latter far outnumbering the former.

            Yes, we, of course, need some distractions as a way of
rest and relaxation. But in this human need, we should not lose our
proper focus. Rather, we have to learn how to stay properly focused
while having those legitimate distractions. We have to be most wary of
our tendency to be so carried away by them that we compromise that

            Thus, it is important that we have a clear idea of what to
do for the day, at least, before we get the skill of knowing what to
do for the week and the month. It may be helpful to have a fixed
schedule and a to-do list, so at least we could have some guide.

            As much as possible we should avoid beginning the day
without a plan and a strategy in mind, and just relying on some chancy
inspiration. We should also avoid delaying things. As much as
possible, what is written in the schedule should be done on time,
“hodie et nunc,” today, now.

            What is also helpful is that we be transparent, simple and
humble, so that in that way we would find it easy to acknowledge our
failures and to ask for help or to make consultations. And when we
succeed, things would not go to our head that would usually stop us
from pursuing more and better possibilities. These virtues would make
us feel light and agile whenever we encounter some surprises along the

            What should motivate us to do all this is the desire to do
God’s will, to give him glory and to do apostolate, that is, helping
others find and love God in whatever they do. This is the motivation
that is capable of surmounting whatever difficulty we may have.

            It would also assure us that whatever happens, we know
that we are all in God’s hands. He will take care of everything. He
has the last word. Ours is simply to go along with his will and ways
as best that we can.

            So, we should not waste time, giving in to some fears,
sadness, anxiety. We should just move on. And feel the thrill and
suspense of facing a somewhat different world and tackling new
challenges. Let’s consider the whole thing a wonderful
divinely-scripted-and-guided adventure!

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