Thursday, August 18, 2016

EJK and human rights

THE Cebu clergy had their monthly recollection the other day. The
invited guest speaker, both a lawyer and journalist, among other
things, was one known for her advocacy in human rights. We were given
a drill on human rights, rule of law, due process and other related
topics, all of them as some kind of reaction to the rise of
extra-judicial killings (EJK) that we are hearing about these days.

From where I sat, I noticed that the priests were especially
attentive, except of course for a few. There will always be
exceptions, but this time, I noticed more rapt attention. The
archbishop was around, together with the two auxiliary bishops. There
were also all ears.

I was happy to note that the talk presented the nuances of human
rights as articulated by institutions like the UN and, of course, our
constitution, and other personalities of some standing. Since the
speaker was a lawyer and not a theologian, there was hardly any
theological explanation beyond the fact that human rights spring from
man’s being the image and likeness of God.

The reaction of the priests in general was mainly that of grave
concern, since it cannot be denied that the drug problem we have is a
first-class crisis. Recent developments have lifted the lid on this
crisis whose scary dimensions are getting far worse than what are
generally suspected.

Somehow priests get to know more details about this crisis because
they preside over funerals of drug-related deaths in their parishes,
they get to receive information from their parishioners, they hear
confessions and they also are sought for some pieces of advice from
people. They are near the frontline.

They have mixed feelings about this issue. While they are somehow
happy with the current campaign against people involved in drugs, they
are also alarmed at the rise of these extra-judicial killings whose
perpetrators we cannot be sure of—whether they are done by some
vigilantes, or the police, or drug people themselves in their own
internecine conflicts.

What comes to my mind is that this development we are having at this
time, provoked by the ascendance of our new president, has good
aspects as well as poses new challenges that we have to tackle.

Definitely, the drug problem has to be tackled head-on before it gets
any worse. As it is now, it is really ugly. But we need to further
develop our systems—police, judicial, penal, medical, political,
economic, social, etc.—to cope with this highly complex problem.

Let’s hope that our lawmakers can craft better laws that are more
effective in blending our need to get the culprits as well as our need
for respect of human rights, rule of law and due process.

We obviously cannot remain at the current state of our laws that are
now found to be ineffective or lacking in something necessary. We have
to understand that our human laws need to evolve without abandoning
their essential purpose. They need to be updated to adapt to current

A more appropriate system of checks and balances among the different
branches and agencies of our government should be put in place.

This should be a serious affair that should not be trivialized by too
much politicking and grandstanding. Let’s hope that we can choose
lawmakers and public officials who are competent to carry out their

As to the clergy, a great challenge befalls us. But before we start
thinking of building rehab centers and the like, we should intensify
our spiritual and pastoral ministry. We have to keep the priority of
Mary over Martha. While the state and civil society aim at making
people responsible citizens, we in the Church have to focus on
encouraging people to be saints.

As one saint once said, today’s crises are basically a crisis of
saints. People are not praying anymore. They are simply guided by
their emotions and instincts and some questionable ideologies. There’s
a lot of doctrinal ignorance and confusion, and religious

Today’s drug problem is just a result of many previous crises that
have not been effectively resolved: corruption, deceit, infidelity,
lack of temperance, etc. There is little authentic spiritual life in
many people.

If these basic problems in people’s spiritual life are made to
persist, then we can expect graver crises after the one on drugs. In
other countries, this is what we observe. They are now into terrorism
and massacres and mindless rampage.

Everyone has to be involved, but I imagine that the clergy has to
focus more on strengthening the spiritual and moral lives of people.
These aspects are basic and indispensable.

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