Saturday, September 6, 2014

Piety and adolescence

THEY don’t seem to get along well. But that’s the challenge. How to
make our adolescent boys and girls develop and practice piety is
actually a grave concern for everyone, especially for the parents,
teachers, and others like priests, counsellors, etc.

    We need to give due attention to this challenge because much of the
future of the family, society and the world in general, not to
mention, the Church, depends on how these youngsters are building
their spiritual life which is actually the foundation of our whole

    We all know how difficult this stage of our human development is.
Everyone has his own experiences and can attest to the delicateness of
this part of one’s life. That’s when big changes are happening in
these kids’ minds and hearts.

    Rather all of a sudden, these teeners want to be independent and yet
they are not quite ready to be so. They want to express their
individuality, their uniqueness, and many times they channel these
urges in a rebelling way. We should not be surprised by this. In fact,
we should expect it.

    As a way to express themselves, they can sport a Mohawk haircut, for
example, or dreadlocks or mullet hairstyle. They can wear earrings and
nose rings. They want to try something new, and they really love to
have gimmicks. All these should not be a major cause of concern. They
are part of the changing world.

    We need to understand why they don’t want to be told, and why they
hate rules, deadlines and curfew hours. They have mood swings, from
being couch potatoes during the day to being hyperactive at night.
Again, very understandable.

    What ought to be the focus is how to inculcate in them, using their
language and schemes, a deep piety, a working one that would put them
duly in contact with God and with others as they go through their
adolescence with all the quirks it is known for.

    This would certainly require time and effort, a lot of creativity and
tons of patience. But it’s all worthwhile. The heavy investment is
sure to produce good results in the future.

    Precisely at this stage, the adolescents need to be close friends to
their parents and teachers. It’s in this time that the parents should
give quality time to their youngsters, planning and thinking of how to
make the bonding more meaningful. This need should not be taken for

    Truly a lot depends on parents and teachers as to how these
adolescents can cope with their condition properly and learn to
develop an authentic piety.  Our religiosity is always at the core of
our being, whether we are young or old, rich or poor, healthy or

    It’s a matter of how to enter into that core that comprises the big
challenge. Parents ought to know how to do this, since it is presumed
that they have been rearing their children since infancy, or even
before that, when these kids were still in the womb. They should know
what clicks and what would not when dealing with their children.

    An important thing to consider is that these teeners need to know the
reason behind the practices of piety they were introduced to as
children and were just expected to follow. Obviously, the reason
should not just be a matter of words, but should be acted out daily.

    What draws the attention of youngsters and helps them to form
convictions out of theories, doctrine and suggestions is when they see
these principles acted out. They also need to see how these principles
are applicable and very relevant to their day-to-day concerns.

    It has to be considered, of course, that these youngsters have a
short attention span and an initially shallow take on things. They
want to see and touch things. They want action more than words.

    But if the family practices of piety are done consistently, with some
words of explanation, clarification, suggestion and correction given
at appropriate times, they sooner or later will get the point.

    They would have a sharp sense of piety and of the sacred. Their urge
to pray and to relish the word of God would just come out naturally.
Let’s remember that it is also during this period that the youngsters
are literally bursting with idealism that needs to be channeled

    We the elders have the incumbent duty to really take care of our
youngsters today, if we want to build a good tomorrow for our society
and the world in general that now is darkened by a spreading


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