Friday, January 14, 2011

Synching with God daily

THIS is our daily challenge and task. How to get in synch with God in our daily affairs should first of all be in our mind, since we tend to take this responsibility for granted. From there, let’s develop the relevant attitudes and skills, first individually and then later on, socially, culturally, politically, etc.

We have to graduate from a fetal or primitive level of Christian life. While it’s true that our development in the spiritual life takes a lot of stages, not to mention, tortuous turns, it should also be true that after some time of Christian living, we as a whole should have acquired a certain level of Christian maturity.

This has to be expected in any living organism. In this regard, we have to help one another. Those who are more gifted spiritually should realize that they are expected to give more.

We should try to be more apostolic, making all kinds of initiatives, like teaching catechism, etc. For this, we need to develop the virtues—prudence, fortitude, order, etc.—so that we can carry out our Christian duties properly and promptly.

We should see to it that our life of prayer is continuous all throughout the day. Let’s remember that God actually engages us in a direct, live conversation through the ordinary duties, affairs and concerns of everyday.

We should quit thinking that God intervenes in our life only on special occasions, as when we are in church, doing some spiritual exercises or attending some church activities. He is right there where are daily duties and concerns are.

God intervenes in our life all the time. We should learn to correspond to this reality, coming up with the appropriate plan to sustain us in this abiding conversation. We have to learn to feel at home with this reality.

For example, we can develop the habit of offering whatever we do to God and to the others, never letting ourselves to be held captive by our own designs and purposes only. This is actually how we ought to behave.

We can also find time for deliberate mental prayers, for reading the gospel and some spiritual books, going to Mass and confession regularly, for these practices of piety serve to build up a deep spiritual reservoir to help us through all the challenges of the day.

We can learn the art of living in the presence of God all the time, making use of some human devices to keep it alive and to prevent us from falling into routine and complacency. We have to learn how to rectify our intentions, so that all that we think, say and do are always meant for the glory of God and for serving the others.

There are many things we can do to keep ourselves spiritually alive and awake to the flowing divine interventions in our life. Again here, we have to help one another. Thus, we have to learn to give spiritual guidance, counseling and direction to the others, especially those who are close to us. We cannot neglect this duty anymore.

We too can take advantage of the different schools of spirituality developed through the centuries that have been found to be helpful to people in different situations. The lives and examples of saints, the many charisms that have enriched the Church through the ages, are a great source of help for all of us.

Let´s take some serious effort to familiarize ourselves with these varieties of spirituality and charisms, so we would have a better idea of what can fit each one of us.

We have to aim at nothing less than spiritualizing and supernaturalizing our daily work in all its stages and levels—from the personal to the social, from the local to the global, from the sacred to the mundane.

In fact, we need to spiritualize and supernaturalize our whole life, for that is how our life is meant to be. We should not get contented with purely human and natural goals—like more wealth, power, fame or merely socio-political and economic progress and development, etc.

We are meant for a lot more. Let’s not cheapen our true dignity. Let´s remember what our Lord told us, “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his own soul?” Yes, we are meant for something greater than mere worldly perfection.

Synching ourselves with God daily should be pursued with no let up. This is what God wants for us to which we have to correspond as best we can.

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